These groups will help you grow in your faith journey
as they take a more long-term approach to spiritual growth.
Parish Leadership Group
Parish leaders (and those who want to be) meet each month to grow as small group leaders, deepen prayer lives, and strengthen their understanding of the Catholic faith so that they can disciple others in the parish and community. Meetings are on the first Thursday of the month at 9:45 and are facilitated by Colleen Orchanian.
Disciples of Jesus and Mary
Based on the teaching of Fr. Pinto, members grow spiritually and strive to work effectively in the world. The three parts of formation are: Discover your plan of life and how to live it; Discernment in your life to recognize God's will; Discipleship in following Jesus, together with Mary.
R.C.I.A. - A Journey of Faith
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process for helping people learn about the Catholic Church with the possibility of being received into full communion. Sessions address prayer, Church teachings, the Creed, and the liturgy.
Spiritual Direction
There are several people available in the area offering spiritual direction, which is a great resource for exploring how God is working in your life. Spiritual directors usually meet once a month with an individual to help them recognize God's voice and deepen their prayer life.
Secular Franciscan Order – OFS (Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis)
Founded by St. Francis in 1221, this is a religious order within the Catholic Church for lay men and women,
married and single, as well as for diocesan priests and deacons. Originally called “the Brothers and Sisters of Penance”
it was later revised to “the Third Order of St. Francis”. After Vatican II, the Council recommended that all Orders
return to the basic charism of their founder and as a result, a new Rule of Life was promulgated by Pope Saint Paul VI
in 1978 and at that time we became known as the “Secular Franciscan Order”.
Members go through a formation process of approximately 4 years upon which time they are asked to make a
public “profession” in the presence of a representative of the Catholic Church (clergy) and before the assembly
of parishioners during a Mass. They commit to following a Rule of Life that calls them to live from Gospel to Life
and Life to Gospel by their words and deeds.
Members gather in fraternity at least once a month. Each fraternity is canonically established and is under the
direct authority of the Pope. Our local fraternity, the “Franciscan Martyrs of Siroki Brijeg” was canonically
established on August 11,2007. At present, there are 29 professed members and 2 candidates. Fraternity
gatherings take place at St. Francis on the second Saturday of the month between 12:30 pm and 4:00 pm.
All are welcomed to “come and see” if God might be calling you to this vocation.